
  • A. Kalimeris Section of Astrophysics, Astronomy & Mechanics, Dept. of Physics, Athens University, Panepistimiopolis, Zografos 157 84, Athens, Greece, Греція
  • H. Rovithis-Livaniou Section of Astrophysics, Astronomy & Mechanics, Dept. of Physics, Athens University, Panepistimiopolis, Zografos 157 84, Athens, Greece, Греція



Ключові слова:

Stars, binaries, contact


A group of close eclipsing systems, which continues to pose a challenge in many subjects of modern astrophysics, is that of contact binaries. In this study, using the most recent observational data of a large sample of such systems, a review concerning their properties is presented. Except from the basic graphs, appeared so far in similar reviews, some new diagrams for their angular momentum, horizontal energy transfer, and corrected mass-radius relations are given. From them, some new important properties of contact binaries are derived.


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