DOI:Ключові слова:
Stars, pulsating variables, Mira stars, carbon stars, light curves, stars, individual, R And, T Cam, V Cnc, S Cas, W Cas, S Cep, V CrB, χ, Cyg, R Cyg, U Cyg, T Gem. R Lep, R Lyn, Y Per, S UMa.Анотація
Analysis of variations of the light curves parameters of 16 Miras of spectral classes C and S has been made. A number of the peculiarities of these variations has been found. One of the most interesting results is the detection of the mean brightness variations: they are cyclic (with a superperiod of about 10 Х P0 and not stable cycle length) or secularly decreasing.Посилання
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