
  • V. M. Kontorovich Department of Mecanics and Mathematics, Kharkov State University, 4 Independency square, Kharkov 310066 Ukraine; Institute of Radio Astronomy NANU, 4 Krasnoznamennaya St., Kharkov 310002 Ukraine, Україна
  • V. N. Pasyuga Department of Mecanics and Mathematics, Kharkov State University, 4 Independency square, Kharkov 310066 Ukraine; Research and Technological Institute of TTR, P.O.Box 589, 3 Kolomenskaya St., Kharkov 310166 Ukraine, Україна



Ключові слова:

AGN, bursts, superluminal jets, shocks, ultra relativistic, blast wave.


Dynamics is investigated of relativistic blast waves in the neighborhood of active galactic nuclei (AGN). The inverse cubic decrease of the density is considered corresponding to the hydrostatic equilibrium of the relativistic media with the equation of state p ∞ ρ4/3 in the vicinity of a big point mass. For the o-center ultra-relativistic point explosion the Lorentz factor of the leading point of the shock front is proved to have an asymptotically constant value that explains the observed super-luminal relativistic velocities of jets' components of 3C 345 (Babadjanjanz, Belokon',1985; Belokon', 1991). It is also found that for the leading point moving at small angles to the direction of sight the apparent super-luminal velocity linearly depends on the energy of explosion, which is in a good agreement with the observations for 3C 273 (Babadjanjanz, Belokon',1993).


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