DOI:Ключові слова:
Stars, He-weak, magnetic field, individual, HD182255, 3 Vul.Анотація
The study of total ozone over Kiev and its concentration changes with height in the troposphere has been made on the base of ground-based observations with the infrared Fourier-spectrometer in the Main Astronomical Observatory of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (MAO NASU) as part of ESA-NIVR-KNMI project no 2907 "OMI validation by ground based remote sensing: ozone columns and atmospheric profiles "(2005-2008) [1,2,4]. Ground-level ozone in Kiev for an episode of its high concentrations in August 2000 was also simulated with the model of urban air pollution UAM-V [5,6]. In 2008 the satellite data Aura-OMI on profiles of ozone in the atmosphere OMO3PR became available ( Aura/data-holdings/OMI/ omo3pr_v003.shtml). They include ozone content in the lower layer of the atmosphere, beginning from 2005, which can be used to evaluate the ground-level ozone in all cities of Ukraine. The comparison of the data of ozone air pollution in Kiev (ozone - the pollutant of the first class of danger) and medical statistics data of of respiratory system (RS) diseases of the city population was carried out with the package "Statistica". A regression analysis, prognostic regression modelling, and retrospective prognosis of the epidemiological situation with respect to RS pathologies in Kiev in 2000-2006 were performed.Посилання
Shavrina A.V, Pavlenko Ya.V, Veles, A.A et al.: 2008, Kosmichna nauka i tehnologiya, 14, N 5 , 85.
Shavrina A.V Sheminova V.A, Pavlenko Ya.V. et al.: 2010, Kosmichna nauka i tehnologiya, 16, N 4,3.
Mykulska I.A., Shavrina A.V., Kiforenko S.I.: 2008, In Coll. Biomedical information technology in health care, Kyiv, BMIT-2008, BMP-2009, 41.
Shavrina A.V., Pavlenko Ya. V., Veles A. et al.: 2007, J. of Geophys. Res., 112, D24S45.
Shavrina A.V., Sosonkin M.G., Veles A.A. et al.: 2008, Simulation and Assessment of Chemical Processes in a Multiphase Environm., Barnes I., Kharytonov, M. M. (Eds.), NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C:Environmental Security. Springer, XXV, 345.
Shavrina A.V., Veles A.A., Nochvaj V. et al.: 2010, NewsLetters of the FP7 EC MEGAPOLI Project, N 8, 31.
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