DOI:Ключові слова:
AGN, optical variability, historical light curveАнотація
We present the historical light curve of NGC 4151 for 1906 - 2013 and the detailed light curve for 2008 - 2013 the light curve of NGC 4151 for 2008 - 2013 (our photoelectrical and CCD data obtained at 2 observatories during last 6 years). See details in our paper Oknyanskij et al. (2012). NGC 4151 has been in high state during 2009-2012 and relatively at low in 2008 and 2013. So one circle of slow component about 6 years was observed during 2008-2013. Also we see one fast flash in 2013 with duration time about 150 days. Applying Fourier (CLEAN) algorithm to the data from 1906 till 2013 (smoothed with step 100 days), we find a periodic component P~16 years in the 107-year light curve. 30 years ago, nearly the same "period" was first revealed just fromOdessaphotometric data. There are also found another significant components about 1.5P, 2P. These circles probably correspond to some accretion dynamic time.
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