DOI:Ключові слова:
gamma-ray burst, astronomical data base, methods, data analysisАнотація
The results of GRB observations are being published in the GCN Circulars in real-time. To study all the objects in the sky areas around the GRBs we identified them on the digitized MAO Double Wide angle Astrograph (DWA) plates (D/F=40/200) within a circle with the radius of dozens of arcminutes. We selected only GRBs with the positional accuracy between ±0.3" and ±7.5" and the range of magnitudes between 14m and 20m. We used MIDAS/ROMAFOT package to obtain the catalogues of the faint objects in small areas in the GRBs vicinity. For the plates of DWA telescope the positional rms errors are ± 0.20" for RA and DEC, the photometric errors are ± 0.20m . All positions were obtained in Tycho-2 system.
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