
  • E. A. Isaeva Institute of Radio astronomy of NAS of Ukraine, Україна


Ключові слова:

Proton events, solar cosmic rays (SCR), coronal mass ejections (CME), coronal shock waves (CSW)


ABSTRACT. This paper presents the results of a
comparative analysis of the relationship between solar
cosmic rays (SCR), coronal mass ejections (CME), and
coronal shock waves (CSW) with the parameters of solar
continual type IV radio bursts, as well as with the parame-
ters of type II radio bursts. The sample under study con-
tains 147 proton events accompanied by type IV continu-
um radio bursts in the 25-15400 MHz range, type II radio
bursts in the 25-180 MHz range, as well as CME and cor-
onal shock waves. For the analysis, we used original rec-
ords of solar radio emission at 8 fixed frequencies in the
range 245-15400 MHz according to data from RSTN (Ra-
dio Solar Telescope Network), original records of dynam-
ic spectra from SRS (Solar Radio Spectrograph) in the
range of 25-180 MHz, as well as original records intensity
of the flux of SCR protons with proton energies in the
range> 1-100 MeV according to data from the GOES
spacecraft. A comparative analysis showed that the rela-
tionship between the intensity of the SCR proton flux and
the CME velocity is, on average, much stronger with the
parameters of type IV radio bursts than with the parame-
ters of type II radio bursts, which indicates the dominant
role of the SCR acceleration process in the flare region,
rather than shock waves. However, detailed studies of the
fine structure of type II radio bursts have shown that there
is a fairly strong relationship between the intensity of the
flux of mean-relativistic protons I p and the frequency f min,1
at the fundamental harmonic (at the 1-st harmonic) at the
time t min corresponding to the minimum relative distance
b min between the harmonics of type II radio bursts. De-
tailed studies of the fine structure of type II radio bursts
have also shown that there is a strong relationship between
the intensity of the SCR proton flux I p and parameter V II ,
which characterizes the displacement of the shock front
with time t i in a narrow frequency range of 25-60 MHz.


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