
  • M. Balyshev Central State Scientific and Technical Archives of Ukraine, Україна
  • I. B. Vavilova Main Astronomical Observatory, National Academy of Science, Україна


Ключові слова:

dynamic astronomy, minor planets, celestial mechanics, cosmogony, Kharkiv Astronomical Observatory, Odessa Astronomical Observatory.


The research is devoted to the study of the
life and work of the outstanding Ukrainian astronomer-the-
oretician Kostyantyn Savchenko (1910–1956), who
worked in the field of celestial mechanics and dynamic cos-
mogony at the Kharkiv and Odesa astronomical observato-
ries in 1930–1950 years. As a result of historio-graphic
analysis, we found that till now there is no comprehensive
study of his scientific biography besides several publica-
tions related to certain facts of his life and activity, mostly
in the Odesa period, including the reminiscences by Prof.
V.K.Abalakin. Despite this, the vast majority of aspects of
the scientist’s life, including his scientific and teaching ac-
tivity in the Kharkiv period in 1930s, remains unexplored.
The astronomer's scientific work was devoted to the study
of the motion and rotation of celestial bodies with variable
masses, the exploration of the perturbations of the planets by
geometry methods, research of the physical nature of gravity,
and the development of cosmogonic theories.
We consistently describe the life and activity of Prof.
K.N.Savchenko at the Kharkiv and Odesa astronomical
observatories, the scientific and teaching work at the
Kharkiv State University, the Kherson State Pedagogical
Institute, and the Odesa State University, analyzing the
archive documents and his scientific publications


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