https://doi.org/10.18524/1810-4215.2019.32.182536Ключові слова:
Key words.Radio continuum, ISM, surveys, Galaxy, Structure, decameter rangeАнотація
The Ukrainian T-shape radio tele-
scope (UTR-2) has been used to carry out a multifre-
quency radio survey of a part of the northern sky with
coordinates of the declinations +10 ◦ < Dec. < +29 ◦ ,
and right assertions 0 h < R.A. < 24 h . The observa-
tions were performed at very low radio frequencies,
12.6, 14.7, 16.7 20 and 25 MHz. They were fulfilled
by scanning the sky due the Earth’s rotation with the
five-beam pattern antenna at 11 fixed declinations.
The observations for six five-beam strips, that covered
the declinations ranges from +10 ◦ to +19 ◦ , the
so-called "a fast scanning mode" was used. In this
mode, the antenna positions were switched in the cycle
between the three selected strips at fixed declinations
every 40 seconds in the observational process. For the
remaining strips, both the fast scanning mode and the
usual observation mode at one fixed declination were
used. Each pattern pencil-beams are spaced apart by
23’ in the meridian. The angular size of the beam is
about 1 ◦ at 12.6 MHz 0.5 ◦ at 25 MHz at the zenith.
The receivers’ bandwidths are 10 kHz at frequencies
from 12.6 to 16.7 MHz and 40 kHz at the two highest
frequencies. A calibration of the output power was
performed with the aid of the etalon noise generator
for the each observation. These data surveyed were
obtained during the period from 1997 to 2013 only at
nighttime. The total number of observation amounted
to more than 700 nights. The statistics for each
point of the survey varied from 5 to 40 realizations.
The results of these observations are the brightness
temperature maps presented here at each mentioned
above frequencies of the decameter band. However,
it should be noted that there are shown "raw" maps
without rhe zero level and striping effect corrections.
These maps comprise emission from discrete and
extended radio sources, the Galaxy and extragalactic
background. The most intense radio emission on the
maps is observed from the Galactic Plane and the
North Polar Spur (NPS).
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