DOI:Ключові слова:
AGN, XMM-Newton, WIS, X-ray, infrared surveyАнотація
Population studies of the extragalac-
tic objects are a major part of the universe large-scale
structure study. Apart from radio, infrared, and
visible wavelength bands, observations and further
identification of extragalactic objects such as galaxies,
quasars, blazers, liners, and active star burst regions
are also conducted in the X-ray and gamma bands. In
this paper we make identification and cross-correlate
of the infrared and X-ray observational data, build
a distribution of a selected sample sources by types
and attempted to analyze types of the extragalactic
objects at distances up to z = 0.1 using observational
data of relevant space observatories.
Data from a leading X-ray space observatory
XMM-Newton were used to compile the largest
catalog of X-ray sources. Current version of XMM
SSC (Serendipitous Source Catalog) contains more
than half a million sources. In our previous works
we selected and analyzed a sample of 5021 X-ray
galaxies observed by XMM-Newton. Identification
and classification of these sources is essential next
step of the study. In this study we used infrared
apparent magnitudes from WISE catalog of AGN
candidates. In 2010 space telescope WISE performed
full sky survey in four infrared bands and detected
747 million sources. WISE catalog of AGN candidates
amounts 4 million of possible extragalactic sources.
We built infrared color-color diagram for our sample
of X-ray galaxies and assessed their types using
WISE telescope data. In this study we also analyzed
large scale structure of the universe (distances up to
z=0.1). This analysis revealed Coma galaxy cluster
and SDSS Sloan Great Wall. In the further studies
we are planning to investigate the distribution of
different types of X-ray galaxies within the large-scale
structures of the Universe.
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