DOI:Ключові слова:
astrometry, open clusters, data analysis, catalogsАнотація
Observations of open clusters at the Re-
search Institute “Mykolaiv Astronomical Observatory” (RI
MAO) were performed using the KT-50 telescope
(D=500mm, F=3000mm) in 2011 – 2018. As the light re-
ceiver, a CCD camera Apogee Alta U9000 (3K x 3K, FOV
42.6' x 42.6') in short drift scan mode was used. In short
drift scan mode each observation consisted of several CCD
frames with partial overlap in right ascension. All observa-
tions were performed using R light filter. The exposure
time was 20 seconds for all frames. All previous astromet-
ric processing was carried out by the Astrometrica program
and UCAC4 reference catalog. Using this data we received
two catalogs of positions of 4.2 million stars (J2013.6) and
3.3 million starts (J2017.3) in the vicinity of open clusters
with accuracy (0.03-0.07)". Unfortunately, current version
of Astrometrica program have problem with data reduction
with Gaia reference catalog in areas with big star density,
like vicinity of open clusters near the plane of the Galaxy.
At this article, we compared our old results with the new
one for several open clusters which carried out with the
author's set of programs with primary processing in the
MIDAS environment. As reference stars the Tycho2,
UCAC4 and Gaia DR2 catalogs were used. The reduction
of 548 frames was performed using a polynomial of the
third degree. The results obtained by author programs with
reference catalogs UCAC4 and Gaia, showed good con-
vergence. Several catalogs of positions of stars up to 17.5 m
was obtained. The accuracy of the catalogs is σ RA =0.027"
and σ Dec =0.033" for Gaia reference catalog and σ RA =0.032"
and σ Dec =0.036" for UCAC4 reference catalog. At the same
time, the accuracy of intraframe processing with the Gaia
reference catalog turned out to be near 2 times better than
the analogous one with the UCAC4 catalog. The compari-
son showed the possibility of receiving more good results
with Gaia reference catalog.
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