https://doi.org/10.18524/1810-4215.2019.32.182100Ключові слова:
stars, emission-line, Be - stars, evolution, circumstellar matter, binariesАнотація
Objects with the B[e] phenomenon
exhibit permitted and forbidden emission lines due
to the presence of circumstellar ionized gas and
large infrared excesses due to processing of the
stellar radiation by circumstellar dust. There are
five groups of stars that show this phenomenon
(pre-main-sequence Herbig Ae/Be stars, symbiotic
systems, proto-planetary nebulae, some supergiant,
and FS CMa type objects). The latter group is the
most recently discovered and the least explored. The
leading hypothesis about the group nature implies
that they are mostly intermediate-mass binary sys-
tems, whose circumstellar medium was created during
a strong mass-transfer phase due to a Roche lobe
overflow of the more massive star in the system. We
have been conducting a large program of spectroscopic
and photometric observations of many objects and
candidates to this group. The current report is
devoted to the preliminary results of our ongoing
study of two objects with similar underlying early
B-type stars, FS CMa (the group prototype) and MO
Cam. The objects show different emission-line profiles
and infrared excesses which are most likely due to
different tilt angles of their non-spherical envelopes
with respect to the line of sight. Variability of spectral
lines is discussed here.
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