DOI:Ключові слова:
Proton events, energy spectrum of protons, intensity of the proton fluxАнотація
This work is a continuation of the work
(Isaeva E., 2018) in which a new approximation of the in-
tegral energy spectrum of solar cosmic ray (SCR) protons
was presented in the range > 1-100 MeV. In this work, the
comments and wishes of colleagues working in this field
were taken into account. First, the comments were taken
into account on the form of the functional for approximat-
ing the energy spectrum of protons, which must correspond
in form to the functionals predicted by particle acceleration
theories. Secondly, the previously obtained functional
should be checked for high-energy protons with energies
>1000 MeV.
For the analysis, we used original records of the intensity
of the flux of SCR protons according to the data from
GOES. The studied sample contains 349 solar proton
events (SPE) for the period from 03-02-1986 to 12-02-2018
years, accompanied by protons with energies in the range >
1-850 MeV. Of 349 SPE, 53 were accompanied by high-
energy protons with energies > 850 MeV.
In this paper, we present the results of approximation of
the integral energy spectrum of SCR protons with energies
> 1-850 MeV using a functional containing power and ex-
ponential functions. A comparative analysis showed that
this functional gives a very good approximation for SCR
protons with energies in the range > 1-850 MeV.
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