DOI:Ключові слова:
stellar catalogs, digitized plate processing, photometry, UBV systemАнотація
The arrivals of the new more accuracy
reference catalogues and also development of new meth-
ods and approaches for reduction astrometric data give the
new life for photographic plates archives. Gaia DR2 is not
only a giant step in the astrometric accuracy allowing to
measure new objects also provides plates archives ob-
served in the past with modern accuracy. In this work we
present the first results of astrometric reduction in the sys-
tem of Gaia DR2 for some photographic plates that were
obtained by UK Schmidt telescope (UKST) and digitized
by the SuperCOSMOS scanning machine. The UKST is a
classical Schmidt with the following parameters: mirror
diameter 1.83m; focal length 3.07m; photographic plate
size 356mm square, covering 6.4 x 6.4 degrees of sky;
plate scale 67.12 arcsec/mm. To date the UKST has taken
over 17,000 plates, the plates are stored in the Plate Li-
brary at the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. The photo-
graphic plates are digitized to 15 bits (32768 grey levels)
with a resolution of 10 microns (0.67 arcsec)/pixel). Each
digitized Schmidt plate has size 32256x32256 pixels and
produces about 2 Gbyte pixel data .. We are making new
reduction of photographic plates that allowing to provide
valuable data for future researches in astrometry as well as
in astrophysics. The obtained astrometric and photometric
data from photographic plates were compared with same
one from modern catalogues.
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