On the irregular variations in the light curves of RY Vul


  • S. N. Udovichenko Astronomical Observatory, Odessa National University, Україна
  • L. E. Keir Astronomical Observatory, Odessa National University, Україна



Ключові слова:

Stars, oscillations, variables stars, individual, RY Vul


The star RY Vul according General Catalogue of Variable Star (GCVS) is RR Lyr variable, but period and initial epoch are unknown. To determine these parameters the photometric observations during several seasons in 201 1-201 7 of the variable star RY Vul on the Astronomical station near Odessa have been carried out . The 48-cm telescope reector AZT-3
equipped with CCD photometer was used. The light curves in V and R band were obtained and analyzed. It turned out that the light curves of the star is fully irregular. Therefore, the variable star RY Vul should  be attribute to type " irregular variables " .


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