
  • E. Panko Department of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy, I. I. Mechnikov Odessa National University, Україна
  • A. Sirginava Department of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy, I. I. Mechnikov Odessa National University, Україна
  • A. Stepaniuk Lohika Company, Odessa, Україна


Ключові слова:

Galaxies, clusters, morphology, peculiarities


The results of the detailed analysis of the 2D distribution of galaxies in 28 rich galaxy clusters with significant concentration to the cluster center are present. The analysis was executed in these directions: the detection of regular substructures and peculiarities in the galaxy distribution. The role of brightest cluster members was taken into account too. The input data were selected from “The Catalogue of Galaxy Clusters and Groups” and list of galaxies of Muenster Red Sky Survey. Concentrated galaxy clusters are evolved, virialized structures.
Substructures in this type of clusters must be feeblemarked. Nevertheless we detected  ignificant part of concentrated galaxy clusters having different kinds of peculiarities, namely crossing and divaricating filaments or X and Y-type peculiarities, as well as curved strips and short dense chains. 2 clusters having extremely density of galaxies were attributed as superconcentrated/compact type. 


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Космологія, гравітація, фізика астрочастинок, фізика високих енергій