
  • I. B. Vavilova Main Astronomical Observatory, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Україна


Ключові слова:

variable stars, scientific school, personalities, V.P. Tsesevich


This paper is dedicated to the Prof. Volodymyr Platonovych Tsesevich (1907–1983), an outstanding scientist and legendary personality of the XX century.  We describe briefly the Kyiv period of his life and activity taken from his Personal Dossier from the Archive of the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine. A particular attention  is  paid  to  the  role  by  V.P.  Tsesevich  in  the  development of astrophysical research at the Main Astronomical Observatory  of  the  Academy  of  Sciences  of  UkrSSR, when he served as the Director (19.11.1948–03.05.1951), and  to  the  fruitful  cooperation  between  Kyiv  and  Odesa astronomers. We present briefly a “tree” of the scientific astronomical school by Prof. V.P. Tsesevich on the physics of stars. The data were obtained from different archives (Astronomical Observatory of the I.I. Mechnikov National University  of  Odesa,  Main  Astronomical  Observatory  of  the NAS of Ukraine, Archive of the Vernadsky National Library,  Archive  of  the  Russian  AS,  and  other  institutions). The  full  database  contains  of  a  brief  information  on  the about 100 representatives of this school as follows: name, title and year of thesis’s defense, past/present affiliation). The  scientific  school  is  formed  since  1950-ies  till  now having its greatest continuation in the work of such astronomers  as  N.S.Komarov,  V.G.Karetnikov,  Yu.S.  Romanov,  and  I.L.Andronov  (a  branch  of  this  school  after V.P. Tsesevich), as well as  S.M.Andrievsky as the follower by V.G. Karetnikov and T.V. Mishenina, V.F. Gopka, V.V. Kovtykh as the followers by N.S. Komarov. The given information on the school by V.P. Tsesevich is not absolutely full, for example, 1) there are no the data on  thesis’s  defense  under  his  supervision  before  1948; 2) information  on  the  astronomical  school  developed  by A.M.  Stafeev  and  some  other  scientists  is  a  very  poor; 3) some inaccuracies may be present. We will grateful for all  the  additions  and  corrections  to  update  a  tree  of  this scientific school, which played and plays a prominent role in the development of our knowledge on physics of stars.


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