
  • I. L. Andronov Department of Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy, Odessa National Maritime University, Україна



Ключові слова:

variable stars, eclipsing binary, interacting binary, cataclysmic, pulsating, Personalia, V.P.Tsesevich


The  biography  of  Vladimir  Platonovich Tsesevich (11.11.1907 – 28.10.1983), a leader of the astronomy in Odessa from 1944 to 1983, is briefly reviewed, as well as the directions of study, mainly the highlights of the research of variable stars carried out by the members of the scientific school founded by him. The directions of these studies cover a very wide range of variability types – “magnetic”  and  “non-magnetic”  cataclysmic  variables,symbiotic, X-Ray and other interacting binaries, classical eclipsers  and  “extreme  direct  impactors”,  pulsating  variables from DSct and RR through C and RV to SR and M.Improved algorithms and programs have been elaborated for  statistically  optimal  phenomenological  and  physical modeling.  Initially these studies in Odessa were inspired by ("with a  capital  letter")  Vladimir  Platonovich  Tsesevich.  who was  a meticulous  Scientist  and  brilliant  Educator,  thorough  Author  and  the  intelligibly  explaining  Popularizer,persevering Organizer and cheerful Joker – a true Professor and Teacher. He was “the Poet of the Starry Heavens”.


Andronov I.L.: 2003, Odessa Astron. Publ., 16, 5.

Andronov I.L.: 2005, ASPC, 335, 37.

Andronov I.L. et al.: 2003, Astron.Astroph.Trans., 22, 793.

Andronov I.L. et al.: 2008, A&A, 486, 855.

Andronov I.L. et al.: 2010, Odessa Astron. Publ., 23, 8.

Andronov I.L. et al.: 2014, AASP, 4, 3.

Andronov I.L. et al.: 2015, JASS, 32, 127.

Andronov I.L. et al.: 2017, ASPC, 511, 43

Andronov I.L., Richter G.A.: 1987, AN, 308, 235.

Andronov I.L., Tkachenko M.G., Chinarova L.L.: 2016, OEJV, 176, 35.

Chinarova L.L.; Andronov I.L.: 2000, KFNTS, 3, 397.

Dziubina S.V., Rikun I.E.: 1988, “Uchenye Odessy. Vladimir Platonovich Tsesevich” (1907-1983) (“The Scientists of Odessa. Vladimir Platonovich Tsesevich (1907-1983)), Odessa, 1988, 110p.

Kim Yonggi et al.: 2004, JASS, 32, 127.

Kim Yonggi et al.: 2008, A&A, 496, 765.

Kolesnikov S.V., Andronov I.L.: 2017, ASPC, 510, 502.

Samus N.N.: 1988, IAIss, 20, 216.

Samus N.N.: 2007, Odessa Astron. Publ., 20, 193.

Tkachenko M.G., Andronov I.L.: Chinarova L.L.: 2016, JPhSt, 20, 4902.

Tsesevich V.P.: 1969, “RR Lyrae Stars", Moskva, Nauka, 1969rls..book.....T

Tsesevich V.P.: 1970, “Peremennye zvezdy i sposoby ikh issledovaniia.”, Moskva: Nauka, 240 p.

Tsesevich V.P.: 1971, “Instationary stars and methods of their investigation. Eclipsing variables”, Moskva: Nauka, 352 p. 1971isme.conf.....T

Tsesevich V.P.: 1980,” Peremennye zvezdy i ikh nabliudenie”, Moskva, Nauka, 1980pzn..book.....T

Tsesevich V.P.: 1984, “What and How to Observe in the Sky”, Moskva, Nauka, 1984cknr.book.....T

Tsesevich V.P.: 1984, “O Vremeni i o Sebe: Vospominaniya i Dokumenty”, Odessa, Astroprint, 80pp.

Udovichenko S.N.: 2012, Odessa Astron. Publ., 25, 32.

Udovichenko S.N.: 2015, Odessa Astron. Publ., 28, 186.

Vavilova I.B. et al.: 2011, KosNT, 17d, 74V.

Vavilova I.B. et al.: 2012, KPCB, 28, 85.

Vavilova I.B. et al.: 2017a, IAUS, 325, 361.

Vavilova I.B. et al.: 2017b, Odessa Astron. Publ., 30, 256.

Volyanska M.Yu., Karetnikov V.G., Mandel O.E.: 2007, Odessa Astron. Publ., 20, 6.






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