
  • V. Andruk Main Astronomical Observatory NASU, Україна
  • Q. Yuldoshev Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute UAS, Узбекистан
  • I. Eglitis Institute of Astronomy, University of Latvia, Латвія
  • L. Pakuliak Main Astronomical Observatory NASU, Україна
  • A. Mullo-Abdolov Institute of Astrophysics of AS of Republic Tajikistan, Таджикистан
  • I. Vaviliva Main Astronomical Observatory NASU, Україна
  • Yu. Protsyuk Research Institute Mykolaiv Astronomical Observatory, Україна
  • H. Relke Walter Hohmann Observatory,, Німеччина
  • V. Golovnia Main Astronomical Observatory NASU, Україна
  • S. Shatokhina Main Astronomical Observatory NASU, Україна
  • O. Yizhakevych Main Astronomical Observatory NASU, Україна
  • Sh. Ehgamberdiev Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute UAS, Узбекистан
  • M. Muminov Andijan State University, Узбекистан
  • G. Kokhirova Institute of Astrophysics of AS of Republic Tajikistan,, Таджикистан
  • L. Kazantseva Astronomical Observatory of Kyiv Shevchenko National University, Україна



Ключові слова:

star catalogs, digital image processing, photometry, UBV photometric system


We suppose to compile the enhanced version of FON (Photographic Survey of the Northern Sky) catalog of stellar positions and B-magnitudes in the sky region from -20 to 90 degrees on declination. The photographic base of the project comprises about 5,700 plates obtained at three observatories of the former SU MAO NAS of Ukraine, Kitab observatoryof Uzbekistan and Gissar observatory of Tajikistan. The mean epoch of the catalog is around 1988. The expected limited stellar magnitude is 17.5m. More than 5,400 plates are processed to support the photometric part of the catalog. The plates were shot on the 1.2 m Schmidt telescope in Baldone, Latvia, in the U and V bands. Color data provide the possibility ofcatalog correction for the photometric color equation. Stars brighter than V < 8.5m will be supplemented with photoelectric U, B, V data. Proper motions will be obtained using GAIA data.


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