https://doi.org/10.18524/1810-4215.2017.30.114219Ключові слова:
charged black holes, mass and charge functions, constraints, mass and charge operators, the compatibility conditionАнотація
A canonical approach for constructing of the classical and quantum description spherically-symmetric con guration gravitational and electromagnetic fields is considered. According to the sign of the square of the Kodama vector, space-time is divided into R-and T-regions. By virtue of the generalized Birkho theorem, one can choose coordinate systems such that the desired metric functions in the T-region depend on the time, and in the R-domain on the space coordinate. Then, the initial action for the configuration breaks up into terms describing the elds in the T- and R-regions with the time and space evolutionary variable, respectively. For these regions, Lagrangians of the configuration are constructed, which contain dynamic and non-dynamic degrees of freedom, leading to constrains. We concentrate our attention on dynamic T-regions. There are two additional conserved physical quantities: the charge and the total mass of the system. The Poisson bracket of the total mass with the Hamiltonian function vanishes in the weak sense. A classical solution of the eld equations in the con guration space (minisuperspace) is constructed without xing non-dynamic variable. In the framework of the canonical approach to the quantum mechanics of the system under consideration, physical states are found by solving the Hamiltonian constraint in the operator form (the DeWitt equation) for the system wave function Ψ. It also requires that Ψ is an eigenfunction of the operators of charge and total mass. For the symmetric of the mass operator the corresponding ordering of operators is carried out. Since the total mass operator commutes with the Hamiltonian in the weak sense, its eigenfunctions must be constructed in conjunction with the solution of the DeWitt equation. The consistency condition leads to the ansatz, with the help of which the solution of the DeWitt equation for the state Ψem with a defined total mass and charge is constructed, taking into account the regularity condition on the horizon. The mass and charge spectra of the con guration in this approach turn out to be continuous. It is interesting that formal quantization in the R-region with a space evolutionary coordinate leads to a similar result.
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