https://doi.org/10.18524/1810-4215.1997.10.108373Ключові слова:
Artificial satellites, photoelectric photometer, light curve, visible period of rotationАнотація
Two-channel photoelectric photometer was made in 1971 in the Uzhgorod State University, which was intended for calculating of brightness of low-orbital satellites. And from that time the observations for satellites in the integral light were regularly conducted on it. In 1989 new two-channel photoelectric photometer. working in the system B,V Johnson-Morgan, was made. Large experimental material was collected, the light-curves of 154 satellites during about 2500 observations were obtained. In particular, by 790 observations of 46 satellites. The periods of visible change of the brightness of the objects were calculated. The maximal accuracy of the determination of the period was 9001-9003 second for the object 86061. The light-curves of satellites were use for solutions of different tasks. They may be given consumers who are interested.Посилання
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